Another Blog Article by David E. Smalley, M.D.
This article is on a principle of pain relief that is covered much more in depth in the book, The Miracle of Pain. The content is educational and should not be used as medical advice.
The original photos below emphasize the wonders of nature around us, which reflect the miracles within us.
July 31, 2020 — Is Water Important?
Water often helps pain relief in our bodies. We are 70% water. Without water, we will die. Water is described by Jesus Christ as living water in the Bible (John 4:10). Drinking enough water is a constant battle, even for those who know how important it is.
Pain is always a warning sign. Medical consequences from chronic mild dehydration are real. Similarly, a mild vitamin D deficiency has physical effects on our bodies (known as a vitamin insufficiency). Like humans, well hydrated plants are also more resilient to challenges that come their way.
Adequate hydration, especially with water, helps blood flow. Blood flow helps our brain work properly. Blood flow helps us keep warm when it is cold outside. It also helps us keep cool when it is hot. Blood flow helps our heart work for us. The longevity of our heart is a miracle. Without it we die.
How do we tell if we are hydrated? Watch the color of your urine every opportunity you have. Your urine should be clear or nearly clear at least one time per day. If it is clear all the time, though it is hard to do, you may be drinking too much, and that can be dangerous or even fatal (water intoxication).
One of the first things we do in the emergency room for an asthma attack is hydrate with intravenous fluids. At home, nasal or ear congestion responds well to early hydration. The same can be said for headaches, sinus allergies and halitosis. Same for frostbite. Same for muscle cramps, earache and bladder infections.
There are many other conditions that may also have a relationship with mild chronic dehydration. Do some investigation of your own by trying to stay hydrated most of the time. Feeling thirsty is a good warning sign, but it is often a little late. Working hard or profuse sweating can be earlier signs.
It is also possible that heart attacks, strokes, constipation and the slow loss of vision acuity often have mild chronic dehydration as a common denominator. I do not have a definitive answer for a relationship of those conditions with chronic dehydration, but answers may come with some scientific curiosity.
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Water bottle. Drink water!
Day Lillies, Agapanthus, Hibiscus love the water
Bluegrass loves the water
Ahhh... refreshing, a swimming pool
Cherry Apple groundcover loves water
Rows of Zucchini, Summer Squash and Sugar Snap Peas on a drip system thrive with a lot of drips